The time for women’s spiritual liberation is now.
Dongyu Gatsal Ling Initiatives is a 501(c)3 nonprofit based in the United States inspired by Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, our spiritual advisor. The nunnery she established in India, Dongyal Gatsal Ling, is a model of self-sufficiency and embodies a vision for the future of female spiritual advancement.
We are committed to improving the educational opportunities and living conditions of female monastics in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Our mission is to increase awareness about these nuns and to raise funds to support these communities — in the present and for the future.
More about DGL Initiatives

“Open the mind to the beauty of practice. It’s just so nice to sit, do your practice, do your meditation. What could be more beautiful than that?”
“It doesn’t matter what we possess or don’t possess, it’s how we relate to our possessions. The objects themselves are innocent.”
“A woman’s ability to attain spiritual freedom has never been denied. The opportunity to do so, however, has long been missing in the world.”