Generosity – the first Paramita – develops the quality of being conscious of others and their needs. It’s an important first step on the spiritual path towards overcoming our ego-driven self-cherishing. Generosity immediately brings the reward of inner satisfaction and creates auspicious karmic results in the future.
Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo
Donate online: Please go to the project area above for online portals. Or you can visit the individual project page of your interest to donate securely online.
Donate by wire transfer: We accept direct payment into our bank account held in the United States. Please contact us for sending a donation by wire transfer:
Donate by mail: Please print and complete the DGL Initiatives Donation Form, so we know how to allocate your offering. Then mail it in with your check to the address below.
Please note: We can only accept U.S. checks in U.S. dollars.
Mail your check to:
Dongyu Gatsal Ling Initiatives
415 Crossways Park Drive, Suite C
Woodbury NY 11797, USA
All U.S. residents please note: Making donations for any of our projects through Dongyu Gatsal Ling Initiatives is your only way to guarantee a tax deduction in the USA.
Non-USA residents please note: Dongyu Gatsal Ling Initiatives accepts donations from around the world. However, if you have no need for a charitable tax deductions in the U.S., you may prefer to donate directly through DGL Nunnery’s online payment system, Tenzin Palmo Initiatives.
A matching gifts program might be offered by your workplace. We are registered with Benevity – a global leader in online workplace giving and matching. You may choose from our three secular programs: DGL Nunnery Healthcare, Gebchak Nunnery Food & Healthcare and the Yushu Orphans Studies. If your workplace works with Benevity, perhaps you can double – or even triple – your donation!